Valkyrie Anatomia Wikia

White Sever Curse
Template:Sever Status
Yellow Weak Point
Damage is increased by (6/7/8/9/11)% when your attack is of the element that the enemy is weak to.
Red Act Reinforce
Template:Act Reinforce
Party Skill  
Celestial Star

Name Type Ele. Dir. Hits
Cross-Air Raid Magical Holy Forward
Ignite Javelin Magical Holy Down
Cross-Air Raid Magical Holy Forward
Ignite Javelin Magical Holy Down
Cross-Air Raid Magical Holy Forward
Default Attacks 2

Side Story 1: Seeds of Misfortune (Orb of Misfortune)
Side Story 2: Divine Gifts (Orb of Isolation)
Level 99 stats
HP Phys. Atk. Mag. Atk. Phys. Def. Mag. Def.

